Alvarez Briano - Montevideo, Uruguay

1 Reseña
Nombre de la empresa
Alvarez Briano
Misiones 1589 Of 001 11100 Montevideo, Uruguay
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1 Reseña
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We had the worst experience with this company. We hired them because the attetion initally was good and they seem professional and most likely to respond if any mishap. We couldn't be more wrong. Our furniture arrived to destination in pretty bad condition, and several pieces needed repairs. It turns out the insurance that they use is worthless. The policy is the cheapest they could find and they are refusing to pay the repairs. The whole damage would cost $1000 USD and they only want to pay $100 USD!!!
They are also applying a deductible that we shouldn't pay since we asked for a premium policy, but Alvarez Briano did not acomplish that despite the petiton and charging for it.
In this whole insurance claim process, Alvarez Briano sided with the insurance and did nothing for us.
A really bad expirience and do not recommend this company at all. Save yourselves and your goods an do not hire this company

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